Kirti Stambha in Rajasthan

Kirti Stambha Rajasthan

Kirti Stambha in Chittorgarh is a 22 meter tall with a 30 feet wide base; which narrows down to 15 feet at the top, it is a seven-storey tower built in the 12th century by a Jain Merchant, Jijaji Rathod. The main purpose behind building Kirti Stambha was to glorify Jainism, it is also known as the Tower of Fame. Kirti Stambha is located inside the Chittorgarh Fort Complex. Kirti Stambha is dedicated to Sri Adinath, the first Tirthankara. Figures of Tirthankaras indicate that it belongs to the Digambara sects.
... Jain Saint’s figures are neatly carved on the Stambha, adding to more charm are columned balconies and latticed arches, there is an observation hall, which can be reached through a narrow flight of stairs; visitors are awarded a splendid view of the vicinity. Many Jain followers consider Kirti Stambha as a major pilgrimage center.
Kirti Stambha is older than another tower in the magnificent Chittorgarh fort, which is Vijay Stambha it is also known as the Tower of Victory. The Kirti Stambha personifies Solanki Style of Architecture at its best. Visiting the Kirti Stambha not only gives you a chance to know about history but also makes you a spectator of a great view.

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