Jagdish Temple in Rajasthan

Jagdish Temple Rajasthan

Jagdish temple is located in the Udaipur City Palace complex, it is Udaipur’s biggest temple, which bears the constructive work of Indo-Aryan style and follows the logic of Vastu Shastra. Jagdish Temple is one of the famous temples in Udaipur, and this place is filled with the number of visitors and devotees throughout the year.
... Jagdish temple was built in 1651 by Maharana Jagat Singh. Jagdish temple is devoted to Lord Vishnu who is also known as the preserver of the universe. One can see the gateway of this shrine from Bara Pol of the City Palace which is 150m away. This temple is three storied and it is an example of wonderful architecture. The temple is comprised of beautifully carved pillars, painted walls, decorated ceilings, luscious halls, etc. The carved main structure enshrines a black stone image of Vishnu as Jagannath. It is centrally situated encircled by four smaller shrines. These shrines are dedicated to Lord Ganesa, Sun God, divinity Hindu deity and Lord Shiva.
People from far and near come to visit this holy place of worship every year. The architectural magnificence, as well as the serenity of this temple cannot be described in words, so one must visit this temple to get the blessings of Lord Jagdish.

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